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STOLEN APPLES (Arts Blog) - (c) Daniel Yáñez 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On Profitable Business Coaching (Neil Sinclair, Action Coach)


'How you can become a Profitable Business Coach. Here is your first tip... Tip #1 -

'Make sure you treat your Business as a Business that needs to make a profit, not just a job that supplies you with the ability to maintain your standard of living!. Most Coaches who we see outside of ActionCOACH Business Coaching see themselves as Coaches first and Business Owners need to have your focus the other way round. If you are going to become the Owner of a Business Coaching Company and a Coach within that company make sure you have two clear identities and roles. The first role is the owner as a shareholder who demands a profitable return on your investment in your business. Owners of Businesses should spend most of their time working 'On' the business. The second identity is that of the Coach whom is spending most of their time working 'In' the business...please recognise and focus on both roles within your business....

To find out more about ActionCOACH Business Coaching go to:

Neil Sinclair.


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